Benefits of learning foreign languages

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As the world continues to become more and more globalized, learning foreign languages opens a new world for everyone. Language learning helps us explore many opportunities be it in career or personal life. People seek opportunities to develop useful skills in age of quick communication and collaboration.

Scope and Importance

In today’s fast paced world learning language is a big beneficial factor. Knowing languages open the doors for new career opportunities. This is great for communication. There can be academic achievements, professional and career advantages.

In professional life, there are major chances of job opportunities in many fields from marketing to tourism, knowing a foreign language gives you an extra edge in interviews, you can command high salaries and get better career growth opportunities which will make you stand out from the crowd.

International companies get impressed if an employee knows a different language, this can help them fill the communication gap between them and the employees.

Which languages are often used in world?

To learn which language is a matter of choice and personal preference. You may have relatives, friends or family members who are native speakers of other countries. Your family took vacations in different countries that might have motivated you to learn the language. Today there are some languages that are popular and of great help, read below to find out.

  1. Chinese/ Mandarin- There is high demand for Chinese/mandarin speakers. There is scope for language as Chinese market and exports need linguistic support
  2. Arabic- Being one of the hardest languages to learn, they have strong client bases in most of the countries. The companies and investors are looking to improve English translations as well.
  3. French- French language holds immense power in global trade and is one of the most romantic languages. Translation services benefit immensely from this language.
  4. Russian – Russian language is very important in global market. The economic and financial sectors demand Russian language specialists or translators
  5. Spanish – There are almost 400 million native Spanish speakers in world. Its an official language in 7 countries and more populated country. They enjoy football and there are fans all over the world and this sport inspires many people to take up Spanish language learning
  6. German – German comes in as one of top seven highest paid in translation and interpretation sector. It is a lucrative trading partner and there are tons of job opportunities for German speakers
  7. Italian- Italy holds a vital place in tourism and is fourth most widely taught language in America after Spanish, German and French

Why should we consider learning language?

There are numerous benefits of learning a language

  1. Improve you English- You often learn other languages with help of English, and this helps to improve both languages simultaneously
  2. Boost your focus – Learning languages help you to improve concentration and focus, improving our brain functions
  3. Boost creativity- While learning languages there are certain process that needs to be followed, which in turn improve the creativity
  4. Improve communication skills- Languages encourages you to speak more and this helps to better your communication, cultivating deeper cultural and individual perspectives
  5. Travelling- This is much easier when you speak a foreign language, also it will help in restaurants, transportation, and avoid miscommunication with strangers
  6. Have more access to information- the best part about language learning is there is access to more information, more entertainment including tv shows, podcasts, films and books etc
  7. Cultural understanding- You get a better cultural understanding and allows you to broaden the horizons and bring people closer to you
  8. Improve cognitive functions- Increased memory, attention span, and strengthens problem solving abilities
  9. Improve mental flexibility- Mental flexibility like adapting easily, thinking out of the box, handle tasks effectively
  10. Polyglots- You get to meet many other people who are learning languages or interested as much as you and can develop a bond between each other.

How to learn a language?

           First, you should force yourself to use the language as much as possible. Get a language partner to speak and grasp some basic conversation. Immerse totally in new language by using podcasts, watching videos and listening to songs. Flashcards also helps in gaining hand over vocabulary of a language. It is easier to learn a language today with the help of technology and online resources, there are numerous free resources such as podcasts, web shows, films, songs and articles, exercises online which will help one learn language easily. Also, there are different institutes like LFE that take classes and help people to learn language in an efficient and easier manner.

Related: French Exams for Canada Express Entry – TEF And TCF!


          Different languages provide different opportunities, short term, and long term. Whatever language you choose it should match up with your skill as well. For some people, learning language might be about studying abroad, taking on fresh challenges, but it is also about travel, work, and developing family connections. There is always potential for other languages to rise in status, as our culture continues to globalize and as the technology is evolving the languages are in demand constantly.

Learning language is like setting out for an adventure that is exciting. You discover new words and phrases to express your emotions. It’s about becoming a citizen of the world, understanding the world in a better way and see the beauty in each culture. And the best part is that languages can take you to different places. Learn languages to fill your heart with experiences, and life with adventures!


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